Our investment portfolio includes

Segregated Funds

Segregated fund is a type of investment policy which is used by renowned Canadian insurance companies to deal with individual and variable annuity insurance products. It offers benefits of equity funds & security of life insurance.

Investors can expect to pay a slightly higher total expense ratio on segregated funds due to their more complex structure. Additionally, these fund offerings typically do not have aggressive fund objectives. Therefore, returns from the funds tend to be more modest.


Why Segregated Funds

The funds offer capital appreciation through investment up to a specified maturity date. They also offer a life insurance death benefit if the owner dies before the contract matures. Most segregated funds offer a guaranteed payout of at least 75% to 100% of the premiums paid, which is an advantage over standard mutual funds where the investor has the risk of losing all of their investment. This provision usually applies to both the death benefit and the annuity payouts.

A segregated fund is an investment pool structured as a deferred variable annuity and used by insurance companies to offer both capital appreciation and death benefits to policyholders.

Commonly found in Canada, segregated funds are private contracts between insurers and customers that must be held until contract maturity.

Because these products offer better guarantees than traditional insurance or annuity products, they do come with higher fees and expenses.

Segregated funds must be held until maturity. An investor can choose to invest in a segregated fund based on its investment objective and product terms. Segregated fund offerings vary broadly by objective and underlying investment options.


Segregated funds are a unique investing option designed to help you worry less. In the event of bankruptcy or recourse by creditors, the law may protect a segregated fund policy when the beneficiaries designated in the contract meet the established criteria.

It guarantees protection of 75% to 100% of the money you invest when the contract matures or when you pass away. Potential to lock in growth andInvestments are exempt from seizure by creditors

Life is uncertain, and you may want to ensure that your investment is passed to your loved ones. Your named beneficiary will receive the guaranteed amount or the market value of your investment.

Segregated funds act as an extra layer of security, helping a business owner or self-employed professional separate their professional liabilities and personal savings.Increased level of confidentiality and possibility of avoiding probate.

After the event of your death, the named beneficiary will have the funds without having to deal with probate.The possibility of designating a beneficiary is a key advantage of the SSQ segregated funds.

Capital protection guarantees of the SSQ segregated funds provide a guarantee of 75% upon maturity and 75% upon death, at no additional charge.It is possible to increase these guarantees to 100% of the capital upon maturity and 100% of the capital upon death.

Registered Retirement Savings Plan

Your contributions to an RRSP are based on a percentage of your previous years’ earned income, and up to a maximum amount. This contribution amount reduces your taxable income, resulting in Income tax savings.
Income earned on this type of account is tax-deferred until withdrawals from the account. During retirement tax is due at your marginal tax rate which is likely to be lower than current working years. When you make withdrawals from your RRSP you lose that portion of your contribution room permanently. Unused contribution room can be carried forward indefinitely and there are penalties for contributing more than the limit set by CRA. Since income earned on your RRSP continues to compound tax-free, these additional funds can significantly amplify your portfolio returns over time, making the RRSP a great account to grow your retirement savings. An RRSP has to be collapsed when you reach Age 71. Switching toRegistered Retirement Income Fund (RRIF)

Take Advantages of Spousal RRSP and First Time Home Buyers Plan (HBP) , ask us how to leverage these tools for maximum benefits.


Tax - Free Savings Accounts

Canadian government allowed all eligible individuals over 18 years of age to invest up to a certain amount per year ($6,000 in 2022) in a tax-free account. Your Contributions are from Post income Tax funds.

Similar as the RRSP, unused TFSA contribution room can also be carried forward indefinitely. However, withdrawals from a TFSA can be re-contributed at a later date.
Generally, interest, dividends, or capital gains earned on investments in a TFSA are not taxable either while held in the account or when withdrawn.
i.e. no tax is payable on income generated by the account.

There are penalties for over-contributing to your TFSA.

Take the full Advantage of this Compounded Growth Options with us.



When investing in RESP it is called a tax-sheltered account. Here, your savings can grow fast and tax Deferred on growth until Withdrawal.  

The government adds to your RESP savings every year through Canadian Education and Savings Grant. Lifetime Maximum of $7,200 ,  20% of every dollar contributed, up to a maximum of $500 per calendar year ($1,000 if there is unused grant room from previous years)

Contributions are the deposits made by the subscriber. Grants are paid on the first $2,500 in contributions made per calendar year. Grants may be paid on the first $5,000 in contributions made during a calendar year if the contribution limit was not met in previous years. There is no annual limit for contributions to an RESP (however, contributions exceeding $2,500 may not receive grants).

The lifetime contribution limit is $50,000 per beneficiary (not per contract; therefore, the limit could be reached by depositing $25,000 to two different RESPs for the same beneficiary).

Contributions are not tax deductible. Consequently, they are not considered taxable income when they are withdrawn.

Lower-income families are eligible for more benefits from Canada Learning Bond.

An RESP account stays open for up to 36 years, giving enough time for your child to decide to pursue post-secondary education.
Earnings accumulate tax-free until you withdraw the money. You can contribute up to a lifetime limit of $50,000 per child until 31 years after you first opened the account.


Life annuity policy offers guaranteed income throughout your lifetime. We are flexible to provide premium rates so that everyone can invest as per his/her financial capacity.

There are three types of annuities:

  • Fixed Annuity – A fixed annuity ensures you a minimum rate of return as well as fixed payments from the insurance company.
  • Variable annuity – A variable annuity lets you put your money in different securities. The annuity returns depend on how the investments perform.
  • Indexed annuity – An indexed annuity combines both fixed and variable annuity. The return depends on the performance of a stock market index like standard and poor’s 500 indexes.

We understand that annuities could be tricky and comes in various shapes and sizes. Affinity Insurance is right behind you, offering maximum support.

Non-registered accounts have its place in overall investing strategy

Non-Registered Investment Account

Once one has maxed out your registered accounts, a non-registered account helps you to continue save and Invest.

  • If you use investment Loan to invest, you can deduct any associated interest expense incurred on the loan from income earned.
  • investments that generate eligible Canadian dividends and capital gains in your non-registered account are taxed annually, capital gains and dividends are taxed more favourably than interest income.
  • There is no contribution or withdrawal limits.
    • a non-registered account has no such restrictions.
  • You can use capital gains to offset capital losses. Depending on the assets held, you can also defer capital gains indefinitely until whenever you sell your asset holdings or on death.
    • Non-registered assets are deemed to be disposed of at the time of death and are taxed accordingly.
  • Unrealized capital gains may be rolled over to an eligible beneficiary (e.g. spouse or common-law partner) and taxed in their hands.
  • The investor needs to keep track of transaction costs, capital gains and losses in order to determine their income-tax liability during tax Returns.